
Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media

Baker-way muffins often have a moist interior and domed crunchy peak that may seem difficult to recreate at dwelling house. Too much gluten, a byproduct of over-mixing, and depression-temperature baking can undermine your muffin recipe. When mixed and baked properly, the muffin forms a high tiptop suitable for adding a chip of crunch.


Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media

Cook any fats, such as butter, and bring the remaining wet ingredients to room temperature before mixing. Solid fats in a muffin recipe tin ruin the final texture of the muffins during baking.


Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media

Preheat the oven to 400 or 425 degrees Fahrenheit while the ingredients come to room temperature. A high baking temperature results in a college peak on the muffin tops.


Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media

Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Combine the moisture ingredients in a small-scale bowl, mixing until incorporated.


Sarah Vantassel/Need Media

Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients in the larger bowl. Fold the wet into the dry with a big spoon or spatula until the dry ingredients are just moistened. Avert beating or over-mixing to the stage of a flossy batter. Properly mixed muffin concoction has some lumps.


Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media

Cascade the batter into a greased or lined muffin pan. Fill the muffin cups iii-fourths full. Permit the concoction to balance for fifteen minutes before blistering if you use baking powder for leavening, which allows the flour in the batter to fully hydrate. If the recipe only uses baking soda, fill and bake immediately.


Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media

Mix a crunchy topping in a small bowl, such equally saccharide and orange or lemon zest. Alternatively, combine equal parts flour, brown saccharide and butter with a pastry blender to create a simple streusel topping. Or use plain white saccharide. Comprehend each muffin with an even layer.


Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media

Bake the muffins for 25 minutes so they cook through and form a high, domed meridian. The crunchy topping sets during baking. Absurd the muffins for x minutes before serving.


A low-protein flour, such as cake flour, results in a softer texture because information technology doesn't form every bit much gluten during the mixing procedure.